how do I properly store DMT vape carts to maintain their quality

Store DMT vape carts. When it comes to how to store a vape pen, the most important thing to remember is to disconnect any cartridges from the battery before putting it away. Leaving them attached could potentially lead to oil dripping down into the battery and ruining it. The longer you’re planning on storing the […]
how does the potency of DMT carts vary between brands

How does the potency of DMT carts vary between brands? The potency of DMT vape cartridges can vary significantly between brands and even between individual cartridges from the same brand. Here are a few key points about the inconsistencies in potency: In summary, the potency of DMT vape cartridges is highly variable and unreliable. Factors […]
How long will a dmt cart last me?

DMT is a somewhat fast-acting medication that is classified as a Schedule I restricted substance in the US. How long do its benefits persist, though?. How long will a dmt cart last me? Although this varies from person to person, the effects of DMT can last up to 45 minutes if smoked and up to […]